The Importance of the RIGHT Fit
There’s a saying in the shoe industry – you can see when their clothes fit but you can’t see if their shoes fit.
I can’t be more passionate about this subject; it was one of the main reasons I started Billy Lou. I’d watch parents in the discount department stores self-fitting their kids shoes into shoes that were cheap, synthetic & miss-fitted. All I could think was ouch!
What can happen if you don’t fit their shoes right :
- Corns
- Blisters
- Knee problems
- Hip problems
- Tripping
- Hook toe
- Long term effects on their posture
Remember there is no one size fits all with feet. All feet are different and require specialised fitting throughout their developing stages to ensure it supports their growth and development.
Remember quality over quantity is always a good start. This offers the right product and gives you value for money because it will last longer.
So, really all I ask is that you get them fitted right with a specialised trained fitter.
Your child only gets one pair of feet, so it is important that they have the best possible start and ongoing support for the long journey ahead.
Writing this blog got me thinking about what the values of Billy Lou are. Stay tuned for the next Blog post and I think you will find they reflect yours.
I’d love to know what your thoughts.
With Love